Heather Mountain Lodge COVID-19 Summer Safety Message
Last Update: July 1st, 2021
The health & safety of our guests and staff is our number one priority. As a shared responsibility, we ask everyone (guests and staff) to be diligent in following our guidelines.
Developed with the guidance of our medical director and our leadership team, our protocols have been designed to mitigate the risks of transmission of COVID-19 and are intended to meet or exceed the Health and Safety regulations set forth by the province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada. As these health and safety regulations evolve, so will our protocols. We are confident that we will meet and in many cases, exceed these regulatory standards.
BC’s Restart Plan has progressed to Step 3 as of July 1st, 2021. This means we are beginning to transition from our COVID-19 Safety Plan to our Communicable Disease Prevention Plan.
What’s Required
- Do everything possible to stay in your cohort. If someone develops symptoms, this will help minimize the possible impact on the hiking program and other guests.
- Everyone must take responsibility for their own health and play an active role in ensuring the health and safety of other guests and staff members.
- Please be open and honest if you display symptoms. Systems are in place to support you should you feel unwell.
- Hand wash frequently with soap and water
- Use hand sanitizer whenever soap and water are unavailable
- Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout all common areas
In the Lodge, Dining Room and other Common Areas
- Masks are no longer mandatory but are recommended until it has been two weeks past your second vaccination.
- There are no longer limits to the number of guests per table, however, guests must stay seated unless getting up to use other facilities.
- Guests may not switch tables or socialize with others, not in their cohort.
- Please continue to physically distance (2 metres/6 feet) from anyone not in your immediate travel cohort.
- Hand sanitize before entering any common lodge space.
Guest rooms and Housekeeping
- All cleaning standards set by the BC Health Officer will be met and where possible exceeded.
- This includes, but is not limited to, a detailed set of daily cleaning and sterilization protocols for:
- High touch surfaces
- Backpacks, trekking poles
- Public washrooms
- Staff quarters
- All rooms will be sanitized before each new arrival.
- Room refresh will be executed every other day.
- Common areas will be sanitized on a set daily schedule and as needed.
- Daily self-health checks to be performed each morning before exiting your room. If you are unwell, do not leave your room.
What if Someone Gets Sick
- All staff and guests will perform a daily self-health check in their rooms before exiting each morning, using a checklist provided. Anyone who notices they are displaying COVID-19 symptoms must stay in their room, and alert staff.
- Anyone from the individual’s immediate travel cohort, or who has had close contact with them, will be required to stay in their room(s) until next steps are determined.
- Any guest who presents with COVID-19 symptoms will be required to follow BC Health guidelines and get tested. There is a COVID-19 testing facility at our local Golden Hospital and we will be happy to help you arrange testing. A negative test result will allow you to return to Heather Mountain Lodge and continue your stay.
A Final Word
Our company’s goal is to provide a healthy environment for both holidaying (guests) and working (employees). In many cases, we see this as an opportunity to increase our services rather than services being taken away. Our company has invested significant resources and will continue to do so, to ensure we continue to provide COVID-19 conscious services based on the latest science and resources whilst maintaining a welcoming and fun holiday.